How to join COSAS

The Congress of South African Students was established on the 31 May 1979 as a national organization to represent the interests of school students.
The Congress of South African Students (COSAS) is a national organization established in Welgespruit, Johannesburg on the 31st of may 1979. COSAS was formed in an endeavor to co-ordinate students at pre tertiary level in all South African secondary and high schools and to unite all students against a discriminative education system. COSAS played a crucial role in the liberation struggle by mobilizing students towards the aims and objectives of the ANC post 1994 COSAS still subscribes to the freedom charter free education remains as the biggest goal of the organization

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How to join COSAS Membership

a. Membership shall be open to all pre-tertiary registered students in public and/or!
independent schools.
b. Membership shall be confirmed annually in accordance with the academic year.
c. Application for membership should be opened and considered by your sub-
branch where such exist and by the provincial executive committee if no sub-
branch committee exists. The sub-branch has got powers to accept or reject an
application, in an event of rejection the applicant shall be made aware of their
rights to appeal to higher structures.
d. All members shall be issued with membership card on payments of membership
fee annually.
e. Dual membership shall be welcomed provided the policies of those organizations
to which they belong or wish to belong to are not hostile to those COSAS.
f. All students who are interested to be members of COSAS shall provide proof that
they are registered students in pre-tertiary schooling by attaching proof of
registration to their membership application.
g. Shall have the right to be elected to any position in the organization
h. Shall engage in a constructive criticism and self-criticism
i. Shall be protected against any harassment, victimization and discrimination
based on race, ethnicity and gender.
j. Shall participate in all programs and projects of the organization.
k. Shall attend meetings and participate in organizational engagements.
l. Shall be obliged to defend all the policies, programs and projects of the

For more information on the different types of membership, visit our website >